Source code for

"""Download S3 objects to files."""
from concurrent import futures
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import boto3

from s3_tools.objects.list import list_objects
from s3_tools.utils import (

[docs]def download_key_to_file( bucket: str, key: Union[str, Path], local_filename: Union[str, Path], progress=None, # type: ignore # No import if extra not installed task_id: int = -1, aws_auth: Dict[str, str] = {}, extra_args: Dict[str, str] = {}, ) -> bool: """Retrieve one object from AWS S3 bucket and store into local disk. Parameters ---------- bucket: str AWS S3 bucket where the object is stored. key: Union[str, Path] Key where the object is stored. local_filename: Union[str, Path] Local file where the data will be downloaded to. progress: rich.Progress Instance of a rich Progress bar, by default None. task_id: int Task ID on the progress bar to be updated, by default -1. aws_auth: Dict[str, str] Contains AWS credentials, by default is empty. extra_args: Dict[str, str] Extra arguments to be passed to the boto3 download_file method, by default is empty. Allowed download arguments: Returns ------- bool True if the local file exists. Examples -------- >>> download_key_to_file( ... bucket="myBucket", ... key="myData/", ... local_filename="", ... ) True """ session = boto3.session.Session(**aws_auth) s3 = session.client("s3") Path(local_filename).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) s3.download_file( Bucket=bucket, Key=Path(key).as_posix(), Filename=Path(local_filename).as_posix(), ExtraArgs=extra_args, ) if progress: progress.update(task_id, advance=1) return Path(local_filename).exists()
[docs]def download_keys_to_files( bucket: str, keys_paths: List[Tuple[Union[str, Path], Union[str, Path]]], threads: int = 5, show_progress: bool = False, aws_auth: Dict[str, str] = {}, as_paths: bool = False, default_extra_args: Dict[str, str] = {}, extra_args_per_key: List[Dict[str, str]] = [], ) -> List[Tuple[Union[str, Path], Union[str, Path], Any]]: """Download list of objects to specific paths. Parameters ---------- bucket: str AWS S3 bucket where the objects are stored. keys_paths: List[Tuple[Union[str, Path], Union[str, Path]]] List with a tuple of S3 key to be downloaded and local path to be stored. e.g. [ ("S3_Key", "Local_Path"), (Path("S3_Key"), "Local_Path"), ("S3_Key", Path("Local_Path")), (Path("S3_Key"), Path("Local_Path")), ] threads: int Number of parallel downloads, by default 5. show_progress: bool Show progress bar on console, by default False. (Need to install extra [progress] to be used) aws_auth: Dict[str, str] Contains AWS credentials, by default is empty. as_paths: bool If True, the keys are returned as Path objects, otherwise as strings, by default is False. default_extra_args: Dict[str, str] Extra arguments to be passed to the boto3 download_file method, by default is empty. The extra arguments will be applied to all S3 keys. extra_args_per_key: List[Dict[str, str]] Extra arguments to be passed for each S3 key to the boto3 download_file method, by default is empty. The default extra arguments will be merged with the extra arguments passed for each key. Returns ------- List[Tuple] A list with tuples formed by the "S3_Key", "Local_Path", and the result of the download. If successful will have True, if not will contain the error message. Attention, the output list may not follow the same input order. Examples -------- >>> download_keys_to_files( ... bucket="myBucket", ... keys_paths=[ ... ("myData/", "MyFiles/"), ... ("myData/myMusic/awesome.mp3", "MyFiles/myMusic/awesome.mp3"), ... ("myData/myDocs/paper.doc", "MyFiles/myDocs/paper.doc"), ... ] ... ) [ ("myData/myMusic/awesome.mp3", "MyFiles/myMusic/awesome.mp3", True), ("myData/myDocs/paper.doc", "MyFiles/myDocs/paper.doc", True), ("myData/", "MyFiles/", True), ] """ if len(extra_args_per_key) != 0 and len(extra_args_per_key) != len(keys_paths): raise ValueError("The length of extra_args_per_key must be the same as keys_paths.") extra_arguments = [{}] * len(keys_paths) if len(extra_args_per_key) == 0 else extra_args_per_key if show_progress: progress, task_id = _create_progress_bar("Downloading", len(keys_paths)) progress.start() progress.start_task(task_id) else: progress, task_id = None, -1 with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: # Create a dictionary to map the future execution with the (S3 key, Local filename) # dict = {future: values} executions = { executor.submit( download_key_to_file, bucket, s3_key, filename, progress, task_id, aws_auth, {**default_extra_args, **extra_args}, ): {"s3": s3_key, "fn": filename} for (s3_key, filename), extra_args in zip(keys_paths, extra_arguments) } output = [ (executions[future]["s3"], executions[future]["fn"], _get_future_output(future)) for future in futures.as_completed(executions) ] if show_progress: progress.stop() if as_paths: output = [(Path(key), Path(fn), result) for key, fn, result in output] else: output = [(Path(key).as_posix(), Path(fn).as_posix(), result) for key, fn, result in output] return output
[docs]def download_prefix_to_folder( bucket: str, prefix: Union[str, Path], folder: Union[str, Path], search_str: Optional[str] = None, remove_prefix: bool = True, threads: int = 5, show_progress: bool = False, aws_auth: Dict[str, str] = {}, as_paths: bool = False, default_extra_args: Dict[str, str] = {}, ) -> List[Tuple[Union[str, Path], Union[str, Path], Any]]: """Download objects to local folder. Function to retrieve all files under a prefix on S3 and store them into local folder. Parameters ---------- bucket: str AWS S3 bucket where the objects are stored. prefix: Union[str, Path] Prefix where the objects are under. folder: Union[str, Path] Local folder path where files will be stored. search_str: str Basic search string to filter out keys on result (uses Unix shell-style wildcards), by default is None. For more about the search check "fnmatch" package. remove_prefix: bool If True will remove the the prefix when writing to local folder. The remaining "folders" on the key will be created on the local folder. threads: int Number of parallel downloads, by default 5. show_progress: bool Show progress bar on console, by default False. (Need to install extra [progress] to be used) aws_auth: Dict[str, str] Contains AWS credentials, by default is empty. as_paths: bool If True, the keys are returned as Path objects, otherwise as strings, by default is False. default_extra_args: Dict[str, str] Extra arguments to be passed to the boto3 download_file method, by default is empty. The extra arguments will be applied to all S3 keys. Returns ------- List[Tuple] A list with tuples formed by the "S3_Key", "Local_Path", and the result of the download. If successful will have True, if not will contain the error message. Examples -------- >>> download_prefix_to_folder( ... bucket="myBucket", ... prefix="myData", ... folder="myFiles", ... ) [ ("myData/", "MyFiles/", True), ("myData/myMusic/awesome.mp3", "MyFiles/myMusic/awesome.mp3", True), ("myData/myDocs/paper.doc", "MyFiles/myDocs/paper.doc", True), ] """ s3_keys = list_objects( bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix, search_str=search_str, aws_auth=aws_auth, as_paths=as_paths, ) keys_paths: List[Tuple[Union[str, Path], Union[str, Path]]] = [( key, "{}/{}".format( Path(folder).as_posix(), Path(key).as_posix().replace(Path(prefix).as_posix(), "")[1:] if remove_prefix else key ) ) for key in s3_keys] return download_keys_to_files(bucket, keys_paths, threads, show_progress, aws_auth, as_paths, default_extra_args)